CURL: Irony alert: Global warmists get stuck in ice – Washington Times

The climate has gone through warming and cooling periods in the past and will continue to do so. A thousand years ago we had the Medieval Climate Optimum. Then we moved into the Little Ice Age. The Earth is how many billions of years old? And we have how many years of climate data compared to that?

CURL: Irony alert: Global warmists get stuck in ice – Washington Times.

I think we should do everything we can to reduce carbon emissions, but I’m not convinced that human activity can override Earth’s natural processes. Whenever people start screeching that there’s a consensus and that the time for debate is over, you can be sure there’s another agenda at stake. The Catholic Church insisted that there was a consensus too, but as it turns out the Earth really does revolve around the sun.

In fact, Al Gore, et al. now follow the Gospel of Global Warming and we’re seeing that it’s just like any other discredited apocalyptic religion. The sky is falling! Jesus is coming back in 2008! Well, maybe now it’s 2011. Okay, 2014. That will be the year for sure…right?


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